The Ash has been drying over the weekend as newly cut greenwood can be a little sticky, making it difficult to cleanly cleave.
The plan so far is to build a coracle from Highland Ash and local animal hide. Once finished, I will make a journey across Sutherland from the West to East. The coracle will be carried on my back, and will provide my boat when I reach water. It will most likely take several days to complete the journey and so the coracle will also provide my shelter in the evenings.
It will be a contemporary coracle , furing different building styles from the UK and abroad. We have the plans for Iron bridge coracle but I prefer the Indian style coracles which are much wider and rounder, as is the Severn model. The Laths that will make up the skeleton of the boat will all be roughly 8 tf long, which will make draw knifing them, a little difficult. Mike is currently devising a method to negociate this hurdle....